Friday, October 26, 2007

I'm bored and avoiding

Five Things
What are five things you were doing ten years ago?
1) Going to High School
2) Going to town every Saturday to waste time away with friends
3) Watching Laura dancing in pantomimes
4) Playing with my niece, who had been born in the November of the previous year
5) Most likely lazing around, avoiding work! Much the same as now!

What are five things you were doing this time last year?
1) On Half term during my PGCE year
2) Agonising about having to go back after half term!
3) Feeling excited because Simon had just moved into his flat
4) Drinking a lot of alochol at the house warming, and managing to fit into a four year olds jumper
5) Feeling shocked that a year had gone so quickly

What are five snacks that you enjoy?
1) Pizza
2) Digestives
3) Tangerines
4) Crisps
5) A waffle butty (Oh the shame)

What are five songs you know the lyrics to?
1) Babylon - David Gray
2) Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
3) Livin' on a Prayer - Bon Jovi
4) My Baby just cares for me - Nina Simone
5) Wonderful World - Sam Cooke

What five things would you do if you were a millionaire?
1) Buy a house
2) Give all my family some money, book a honeymoon for my sister, seeing as she didn't have one.
3) Probably donate some money to the school I work at - and carrying on working there
4) Go places with Simon; Rome, Scotland, Canada, Somewhere hot!
5) Commission a brand new AX from Citroen for myself, and maybe a VW Cabriolet Beetle.

What are your five bad habits?
1) Procrastiantion
2) Being rather indecisive all the time
3) Getting angry over very little matters
4) Taking the mick out of people
5) Worrying

What five things do you like to do?
1) Spend time with family and friends
2) Have a nice quiet night in
3) Have a nice loud night out
4) Teach
5) Cook

What are five things you will never wear again?
1) A tracksuit
2) My hair long, just doesn't suit me at all
3) Anything my mum ever made me wear
4) Heels which are to big for me
5) A jumper made for a four year old!

What are your five favorite toys?
1) My car!!
2) My camera
3) My computer
4) My phone
5) My boyfriend :P

What are five things you hate to do?
1) Take the bin out
2) Make kids copy out of a textbook, even when they kind of deserve it
3) Get lost in the car
4) Saying no to people
5) Mark exams

Well, that has put off the task of marking the exams for at least fifteen minutes, I should get on with it!


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Where have you been?

I hear some of you say?

Well, since my last post, I have completed my PGCE, had my graduation ceremony, done some supply work in the school wehre I have my job, and generally began to unwind after 9 long months.

No doubt about it, the PGCE was hard, but I managed to do it without getting as stressed or upset as I thought I would. I have quite proudly said to some people "I only cried once!", which believe me, does seem to be quite an achievement. Anyway, I've done it, I have a job, I can look forward to the future with a smile on my face.

This weekend I am off to the V Festival in Staffs with Simon, I'm starting to get just a little bit excited. I can't wait to see The Proclaimers again, alongside James, the Manics, the Killers, Foo Fighters, Snow Patrol.....and so the list goes on! This holiday should round off a summer which hasn't been hectic, but has had a few good moments. I've enjoyed random days out in Wales - Moel Famau, go climb it one day, it's worth it, I promise - various birthdays, including my own( I'm getting old... ) and quiet nights in with Simon. It's been a nice summer, and it's been great to just kick back and relax. Of course, I'm back to work in about two weeks, so I really do need to start planning lessons again, but I think it can wait till after V!

On a random note, since my last post, we in the UK have a new prime minister, I think he's going to do ok...which leaves me wondering just where my vote will go when we have our next election...

That's all form me,
Karen :)

Sunday, June 03, 2007


Well, as I'm back in school tomorrow, with only two weeks of my course remaining, what else would I do but complete a meme from Lola?!

Apparently......she wants to know eight things that she never really wanted to know about me? :-s

1) I think I can actually be a really good teacher. I feel that whilst academic achievement is important, I'm more concerned with helping my pupils to become better people. I don't want them to leave my classroom with the highest grade ever and then be a real arrogant arse, I want pupils who try to achieve the best they can, and be the best person they can...if that makes any sense.

2) I'd very seriously consider leaving this country. As much as I can be patriotic about this country, I can also see it's failings. I'd miss my family, my friends and my job, but sometimes, I just want to get up and go to Canada, Australia, France, anywhere!

3) I'm slowly realising that I'm actually quite mature and level headed for my age...I'm not sure if I like it or not!

4) Related to number three....some people say that Mr J and I are like an old married couple...I'm not sure if I like that or not! We tend to stay in on Friday nights with a bottle of wine and a film or something instead of going that old or not? It's usually because we're sooo tired!

5) I really need to make an effort to become healthier....
I seem to have put on weight during the PGCE and I'm not happy about it, as my pants don't fit anymore!
It's mainly due to the lack of exercise - sitting in front of a PC planning lessons doesn't burn that many calories, so I want to start walking to places a little more, get out at the weekends etc. I know, I know, I'm sat in front of a PC now, but I am doing work alongside this, promise.

6) I want my own house - I need my own house! The amount of files I have amassed in less than a year is nothing short of ridiculous.

7) Despite me thinking that I can be a really great teacher, I still sometimes wonder if I want to be a teacher!

8) Political correctness infuriates me! Can't sing baa baa black's a bloody black sheep! Can't say blackboard...why not?! Brainstorm??! Pah!

There we go, eight things which Lola never wished to know about me, but asked anyway!

Karen :)

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Good times!

This post serves two purposes...
1) Procrastination, as always
2) To tell you the good news!!

"Good news?" you say?! Yes, I have a job! I had the interview on the 19th of April and found out that day that I had the job! For obvious reasons, I can't put the name of the school on here, that would just be asking for trouble! What I can say though though, is that the school is not too far away from me, but far enough so that I don't see any of the kids in the pub! It's not in the nicest of areas, but the kids seemed nice enough, but I don't care anyway, I have a job, and I'm happy!
Things just seem to be going really well for me at the moment and I'm as happy as a girl can be :D

That's all for now

Karen x

Monday, February 19, 2007

Be careful what you wish for..

Well, I've done a lot of complaining on here about all the work I've had to do for school and uni. I couldn't wait for half term so I could have a little time to myself...well guess what...I'm bored!!Completely and utterly bored.
I was only in uni for twenty minutes today, and have had no work to do at home, so I've just kind of idled around. Moral of the careful what you wish for...I reckon that hard work is much better than this everlasting boredom.

On the other hand, whilst I was sat waiting for my meeting in uni today, I happened upon a copy of today's Times. On the front page was a very interesting article, which you can see here.
Although I would welcome such a move from both Churches, it seems to me that the reason for doing so as suggested in this article is all wrong. Although, I suppose it is much the same kind of argument (well, different issues, but an argument over orthopraxis none the less) that separated the two hundreds of years ago.
I feel that perhaps there is too much distance between the Anglican and Catholic Churches these days to ever join the two again. Both sides would have to make incredible compromises, and if you know the Catholic Church, you will know that compromise is not a popular word! Having said that, I do believe that in general, religion can be a force for good...yes, I know that there are many troubles in the world caused by religion, but generally, you're average Christian does not want to cause anyone harm. Therefore, if the two largest Christian denominations will at least begin to talk with each other and discuss ideas, it can only be a good thing. It's certainly interesting times we are living in anyway...


Sunday, February 11, 2007


Well, I've not posted anything on here for a while. Mainly because I haven't had time and secondly, because I actually don't want too much personal info going on here. I guess you think that defeats the object of a blog, but I have to be careful with the profession I'm going in to!

Anyway, where am I up to in life? Christmas was good, I really enjoyed the time off and of course, the alcohol. Got some lovely presents (I like the necklace!!) and it was just nice to spend time with family and friends. New Year was good too....had fun with some very big unsafe party poppers :) I didn't get to see Si play the piano year, I'll make sure of it!

The main reason I have time to write on here now is that I finished my first school placement on Friday, and it's now half term! Squeeeeeeeeeee! I still have work to do, but I can do it in the daytime now and not of a night when I'd rather be watching tele or at Si's with a bottle of wine. I've really enjoyed my time at this school, I can't deny that it's been hard, but for the most part, I've had fun. There's been some lovely of them told me she loved on Friday when I was saying good bye to the class...awwww! There have also been some not so nice kids, but, lets forget about them and look forward to a good experience at my new placement which will last till June.
The new school is also Catholic and has a sixth form, so I'm nervous about teaching A level, but looking forward to the challenge. I'll have to dig out my old theology file and get reading up...and buy loads of books because I doubt my file is any fit state these days.

Wednesday sees the annual love fest everyone knows as Valentines Day. I have Si's present sorted and it is the most unromantic thing in the world, hehehe, but I know he'll love it!
Then in April, his friend Tom is over here again, should be fun...although I'll be back in school and will have to remain stone cold sober most of the time he's here.

Bit of mixed post there, I'll try and keep this things updated slightly more...
Karen x