Thursday, May 03, 2007

Good times!

This post serves two purposes...
1) Procrastination, as always
2) To tell you the good news!!

"Good news?" you say?! Yes, I have a job! I had the interview on the 19th of April and found out that day that I had the job! For obvious reasons, I can't put the name of the school on here, that would just be asking for trouble! What I can say though though, is that the school is not too far away from me, but far enough so that I don't see any of the kids in the pub! It's not in the nicest of areas, but the kids seemed nice enough, but I don't care anyway, I have a job, and I'm happy!
Things just seem to be going really well for me at the moment and I'm as happy as a girl can be :D

That's all for now

Karen x

1 comment:

Lola Cherry Cola said...

I know I've already told you this but congrats!