Sunday, February 11, 2007


Well, I've not posted anything on here for a while. Mainly because I haven't had time and secondly, because I actually don't want too much personal info going on here. I guess you think that defeats the object of a blog, but I have to be careful with the profession I'm going in to!

Anyway, where am I up to in life? Christmas was good, I really enjoyed the time off and of course, the alcohol. Got some lovely presents (I like the necklace!!) and it was just nice to spend time with family and friends. New Year was good too....had fun with some very big unsafe party poppers :) I didn't get to see Si play the piano year, I'll make sure of it!

The main reason I have time to write on here now is that I finished my first school placement on Friday, and it's now half term! Squeeeeeeeeeee! I still have work to do, but I can do it in the daytime now and not of a night when I'd rather be watching tele or at Si's with a bottle of wine. I've really enjoyed my time at this school, I can't deny that it's been hard, but for the most part, I've had fun. There's been some lovely of them told me she loved on Friday when I was saying good bye to the class...awwww! There have also been some not so nice kids, but, lets forget about them and look forward to a good experience at my new placement which will last till June.
The new school is also Catholic and has a sixth form, so I'm nervous about teaching A level, but looking forward to the challenge. I'll have to dig out my old theology file and get reading up...and buy loads of books because I doubt my file is any fit state these days.

Wednesday sees the annual love fest everyone knows as Valentines Day. I have Si's present sorted and it is the most unromantic thing in the world, hehehe, but I know he'll love it!
Then in April, his friend Tom is over here again, should be fun...although I'll be back in school and will have to remain stone cold sober most of the time he's here.

Bit of mixed post there, I'll try and keep this things updated slightly more...
Karen x

1 comment:

Lola Cherry Cola said...

Sounds good, you'll have to tell me which school they have you at now! Enjoy half term :-P Us working-folk are jealous lol.