Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Forms, fifteen year olds, and flying to the moon.

Yesterday was my first day as a trainee teacher *arghhh*...
Well, there's really not a lot I can say about it, as it seems that these first few days are mainly for admin purposes, which means that it has been very boring and I struggle to stay awake!
I'm really not very good at sorting out all this personal admin either, forms for fees, forms for bursaries, forms for registration, forms for records of previous experience...the list goes on. I find it hard to do one of these froms at a time, if I get stuck on one, I move on to the other - only to get stuck on that one too. Therefore, I end up with a lot of half filled in forms lying around when really, they should just be a small five minute task.
Anyway, away from all the admin, it seems like the course is going to be one hell of a year. When I say that, I don't mean it in a good way, I literally mean, a year of hell.
Despite this, one positive of going back to do this course is that I get to see people I have spent the last three years of my degree course with, and also get to meet lots of new people - all coming to teaching for such varied reasons.

Today we looked at "What makes a good RE teacher" and it's made me realise the qualities an RE teacher requires that say a maths teacher doesn't.

Oh dear, when choosing this subject, I chose it simply because I found it very interesting. I neglected to think that a lot of children don't enjoy it, and also that a lot of children will be affected by the sensitive issues discussed within RE. This isn't putting me off the subject, it's just an aspect of it that I never really considered fully. Will I have children comong and asking me for advice, purely because I am an RE teacher? When I talk about bullying in a class, will there be children sat in front of me who are suffering because of bullying at that very point in their lives?
This is just stuff for me to think about really and to take into consideration when I am planning lessons etc..

And in other news.....something has come up which really has left me with a lot to think about!!

I don't want to go into details here, because I'm really not the kind of person to write about very personal stuff on a random web page, and also because I don't really know the full details yet, and nothing may come of it.

All I will say is that whilst keeping in mind certain things that my head tells me, my heart seems to override it, and I know what is important to me.

Erm, that is all for now, I really should fill the other half of these forms in, and go and get my passport type pictures took in one of those stupid booths, and write my profile, and sort the fies into some coherent order...................

and then maybe, just maybe, go the pub for one little drink...

Karen x

1 comment:

Lola Cherry Cola said...

Ahh it'll get better trust me