Friday, December 08, 2006

Seventeen x twenty four..


It's very nearly that time of year where we stuff ourselves silly, drink till we're merry...very, and generally plod about. I can't wait!
Usually I don't look forward to this time of year, being over the age of 20 kind of means that you don't have much to play with on Christamas Day, and end up getting far drunker than you intended or fall asleep watching the Sound of Music, yet again. This year though, Christmas means time off school and uni, and I can't wait!!!

The only problem is, the shopping..
I have so far managed to do Christamas shopping for my nieces and nephew in just one hour!! They are sorted, but, of course, tkids are easy to buy for. Now I just need to find something for my boyfriend, my parents, my friends, my brother and sister, and of course, packs of sweets for the kids in school! When I'm supposed to find all this stuff, I have no idea, but hopefully, it'll be soon!! Not long left.

I don't really have antything of any substance to say today, but I had to post this because I'm so damn excited!! I don't go back till the 8th of January too!! Brillliant!!

Tonight I am going to see 'Happy Feet' with my boyfriend, my penguin desires will finally be fulfilled!
And that's it really, not much to say, all I do is go school, come home, plan lessons, sleep, go school, come home, plan lessons, sleep and so on. So not much to say!

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