Monday, October 09, 2006


Well, Laura tagged me...
I normally wouldn't do these things, but I want to waste some time before I drive back to uni so I will miss the traffic!

1. The last movie you saw in a theatre, and current-release movie you still want to see.
The last movie(x) film I saw was Clerks 2, it was good, very funny.....the one I can't wait to see, and won't be out for ages is Happy Feet.

2. The last movie you rented/purchased for home viewing.
Errrrr, really can't remember, may have been Sideways, but that is now lost forever in the Black Hole that is Simon's room.

3. A movie that made you laugh out loud.
Errrr, loads!

4. A movie that made you cry.
Erm, shawshank redemption..loads, I don't know!

5. A movie that was a darling of the critics, but you didn't think lived up to the hype.
Watched Brokeback Mountain last night, was that popular with the critics?! It was good, and a really good story, but I was tired...

6. A movie that you thought was better than the critics.
I say ignore the crtics anyway! Just because they don't like it........

7. Favorite animated movie
Ooooooooh, Spongebob!! The Lion King has to be in there aswell, as do Shrek and Shrek 2, Ice Age 2 aswell, haven't seen the first onme, but the possums in this one are grrreat!

8. Favorite Disney Villain.
Lets see......oooh, I really don't know!! They're villains, you're not supposed to like them!

9. Favorite movie musical.
Sound of Music, Moulin Rouge, does Dirty Dancing count...?? Life of Brian aswell, there's some singing in that....

10. Favorite movies of all-time (up to 5).
There's far too many to choose from, so I may ignore the 5 limit...
Drop Dead Fred (and then we'll poo her all over the table)
Dirty Dancing
Moulin Rouge
Jesus Christ Superstar (70's film version)
Shawshank Redemption

and loads more, but I can't think of them right now...I'm supposed to tag others, but I only know Laura :(

I should probably get going to uni now, going to print off my class lists
Expect an update within a week maybe, I should be doing more teaching stuff then...
But I also may be drunk a lot, so don't be too hopeful or expectant...


1 comment:

Lola Cherry Cola said...

Yay, you did the tag! I am pleased, hehe.