Sunday, October 01, 2006

Pinch, Punch...

First of the month!

Where the hell has this year gone?! It has gone so quickly! The speed that time seems to pass with these days is really quite alarming. You remember those long summer holidays from childhood...they go so fast now! What happened?!

Anyway, two weeks of school placement complete...all is going well.

Trying to write an assignment on "the nature and purpose of RE in the school curriculum....all not going so well : (

Otherwise, I've not been up to much over the last month, had a good night out in Liverpool with my friends, woke up next morning with a face that looked like a pair of Y fronts. Don't ask.

Got very drunk this week round at Mr Karen's. I cannot remember a thing...oh well

Apart from that, nothing, because I have no money!! My bursary should land in my account this Thursday though, and in turn, make me the happiest woman alive!

Erm, that was this months whistlestop tour of my life

Karen x

1 comment:

Lola Cherry Cola said...

lol, very nice round up I thought. Remember Frankie says, "Reflex!" Lol. I'm quite shocked you didn't mention the lamb, you know.